20th Sunday of Year C | Readings | Pidgin

First Reading
Number One Reading e  come out for the Book for propheta Jeremiah                       38: 4. 6. 8 - 10

You been make me for be for be palava man for this ground

For that time,

        King Zedekiah he big people, them talk for he say, "Make  you kill Jeremiah; forseka this kind talk whe he di talk, e de put fear for soldier them heart, and for all people whe them dey for town. He no de member na thing whe e good  for people. He want dasso for bring die for all all people. Then king Zedekiah he answer for them say, “Jeremiah he dey for una hand. Una get get power pass King”. So them been take Jeremiah, them tie he with some rope, and them put he for inside Malchiah he waterhole, whe e been be for soldier then yard. Malchiah he been be king-pikin. Water e no been be for inside the hole; daso poto-poto e been be for inside. Jeremiah he been enter for insie the poto-poto. 

Then, Ebed-melech e come out for king e house and he talk for king say, "O King, my master, this people them done do some proper bad thing for propheta Jeremiah. Them done put he for inside waterhole and he go die for there". Then king he give order for Ebed-melech, whe he been be ma for Ethiopia, say, "Take three man with you, make una go move propheta Jeremiah for that waterhole, before he die". 

(This one,) na God he Talk.  

Responsorial Psalm 

Response:   Lord, come to my aid.

I waited, I waited for the Lord
   and he stooped down to me;
   he heard my cry.

He drew me from the deadly pit,
   from the miry clay.
   He set my feet upon a rock
   and made my footsteps firm.

He put a new song into my mouth,
   praise of our God.
   Many shall see and fear
   and shall trust in the Lord.

As for me, wretched and poor,
   the Lord thinks of me.
   You are my rescuer, my help,
   O God, do not delay.

Second Reading

Number Two Reading e come out for the letter whe them been write'm for Juden People  15: 1 - 4 

   Make we no tire for run for the road whe we done begin 

My brother them, 
      Forseka the plenty witness whe we get'am, make we move all thing whe them de humbug we and all bad whe e de follow we. Make we no tire for run for the road whe we done begin. Make we keep we eye for Jesus Christ, whe e de give we belief, and he de help we for get strong belief. He no been shame for die for cross, foreseka the glad whe e go come after. Just now he de sit down for God he right hand. make una member, how he been look plenty trouble for bad people them hand; then una too, una no go tire, and una heart e no go slack. Sote just now, una never look trouble sote for die, forseka say, una de fight bad palava 

(This one,) na God he Talk.  

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, Alleluia!
Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your son.


The holy Gospel for we Master Jesus Christ, how whe holy Lucas he ben write'm.   12: 49 - 53
Make we no tire for run for the road whe we done begin 

For that time, 
      Jesus he talk for he disciple them say, "Me, I been come for bring fire for this ground. And whatti I want pass say, make the fire e catch? Some baptism e there whe I must get'am and I de want plenty say make e come quick!
     "Una member say I been come for bring peace for this ground? No, I de tell una say, I been come na for bring fight. For begin just now, family whe e get five people e go broke: three people them go fight two, and two them go fight three. Papa he go fight he man-pikin and man-pikin he go fight he papa. Mama he go fight he woman-pikin and woman-pikin he go fight he mama. Mama he go fight he pikin he woman and woman he go fight he man he mama. 

(This one,) na the Gospel for We Master Jesus Christ


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