Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15th August) Pidgin Readings


First Reading

Number One Reading e come out for the Book for Apocalypse                                11: 19. 12:1-6.10 

   Some woman whe he been wear sun like clothes, he been stand for up for moon 

    God he holy place for heaven he been open. And them been fit look the house for the Contract for inside. Then some big sign e been come out for heaven:  some woman whe he been wear sun like clothes. he been stand for up for moon and he get twelve star like cap for he head. The woman he been get belly and he been near for born; he be de halla, because he de hear hot for born.
    Then number two sign e been come out for up: some big red snake when e been get seven head and ten horn. Any head e been get some small king-cap. Th snake e tail e been move plenty star for up and e throw'way for ground. The snake e been sleep before the woman whe e been begin for born, and e d wait for chop the pikin one time after them born he.
    The woman he been born some man-pikin - the pikin whe e go commandia all country with strong power. Them been take the pikin one time for God he chair for heaven; and the woman he been run for bush for hide for some fine place whe God he been fix'am for he. 
    Then I been hear some strong voice e halla for heaven say, "We God he done win. He done show he power and king-palava and the power for he Christ".

(This one,) na God he Talk.   

Responsorial Psalm                                           Ps. 44      [Listen to Psalm Here]

Response:   On your right stands the queen, in gold of Ophir  (OR On your right stands the queen, in garments of gold.) 

1. The daughters of kings are among your loved ones.
    On your right stands the queen in gold of Ophir.
    Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words:
    forget your own people and your father’s house.  /R

2. So will the king desire your beauty:
    He is your lord, pay homage to him.
    They are escorted amid gladness and joy;
    they pass within the palace of the king.                /R

Second Reading

Number Two Reading e come out for the first letter whe holy Paul he been write'm for Christian them for Corinthia.          15: 20 - 26 

   First, Jesus he must djorup for die, and then the people whe them be he own 

My brother them, 
      Jesus Christ he done djorup for die; he be the first man for djorup for die. Die e been come for ground forseka one man; the same too, djorup for die e done come foreseka one man. The same how all people them been die forseka Adam, the same too all man them go get life forseka Jesus Christ. But anyone for he own time: first Jesus he must djorup for die, and then the people whe them be he own, for the time whe he go come again. Then all thing them go finish. Jesus Christ he go win all thing and all power, and he go give he king-power for God the Father. But Jesus he must be king sote he win all he enemy; the last enemy whe he must win'am na die, because he must win all thing. 

(This one,) na God he Talk.   


Alleluia Alleluia!
Mary has been taken up into heaven; all the choirs of angels are rejoicing. 

Gospel Reading

The Holy Gospel for we Master, Jesus Christ how, whe holy Lucas he been Write'm.        1: 39-56 

   He whe he get all strong he done help we plenty. he done put for up man whe he no get proud.

For that time, 
      Maria he take road and he go quick quick for some town for the hill country for Juda. He been enter for Zachariah he house and he salute Elizabeth. When Elizabeth he hear Maria he salute, the pikin for he belly he been jump with glad, and Elizabeth he been full-up with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth he halla strong say, "You big pass all woman, and bless e be with the pikin for your belly. How mama for my master, he go come for waka me? Because, one time as your salute e enter for my ear, the pikin for my belly he been jump with glad. For true, you get bless, because you been believe say, the thing whe God he talk for you e go be true".
And Maria he talk say,
"My soul e de give big honour for God,
And my spirit e done glad foreseka God my helper.
Forseka he been look how he workman he no get proud:
Look from this time all people them go call me holy.
Forseka he whe he get all strong,
He done help me plenty,
And he name e must be holy.
And he sorry he be for all time,
for people whe them de fear he.
He done show how e be strong, 
And he done chakara people whe them get proud for heart.
He done move big man for he chair,
And he put for up the man whe he no get proud.
He been give plenty good thing for the man whe he hungry:
And he been deny for give something for rich man.
He done help Israel, he workman,
Forseka he been member he sorry,
How he been talk for we first people,
For Abraham, and all he pikin, for all time".
    Maria he ben stop with Elizabeth like three moon, before he been go back for he house.

(This one,) na God he Talk



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